How to Open Hayward Pool Filter & Pump Basket Lid?

Struggling to open your Hayward pool filter or pump lid? Dive into our 5-step instructions to open Hayward pool filter tank and pump basket lid.
Picture of By <u>MIKE DEVID</u>


Updated: 11-02-2024

Maybe your filter is not working or you want to clean your Hayward pool filter then you need to open the filter tank to inspect & clean the cartridge or de fingers.

We also cover how you can carefully open Hayward pool pump basket lid if you want to remove debris from the pump.

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Open Hayward Pool Filter

Open Hayward Pool Pump Lid

Why Open Your Hayward Pool Filter?

There are many reasons you want to open your Hayward pump filter. Some of them are,

  • The pool filter not working properly
  • Increased pressure gauge pressure to 8-10 psi.
  • Regular inspection of cartridge
  • The filter is leaking water
  • Replace filter sand or cartridge.

The basic requirement to open Hayward pool filter

  1. Working gloves
  2. Ratchet wrench
  3. Deep wall socket ratchet

Here is a Step-by-Step Guide to Opening Hayward Pool Filter

Step1.  Prepare for opening

turn off

Wear protective Gloves like Nitrile Gloves for better safety of your hands. Now, Turn off the pool pump.

Step 2. Release Pressure

Release pressure

Open the Pressure relief valve to release all the extra air from the filter body. It also helps to remove water from the grain plug faster.

Step 3. Drain Water

drain the water

Before opening the pool filter you have to remove all the water from the filter tank by opening the Drain plug at the base the the filter.

Let’e understand how to remove the belly band by using a deep wall socket ratchet.

Step 4. Remove the Belly Band (Filter Lid)

remove belly band

Unscrew the locking ring in a counter-clockwise direction using 3 q. Inch Deep wall socket ratchet. Tap the locking ring to detach it from the filter tank.

Open the filter by lifting the top half/filter lid. Make sure you don’t damage the pressure relief valve while putting down the filter lid. Now you can access the cartridge.

Step 5. Inspect and remove the filter cartridge

remove top guide.webp

Remove the top manifold from the filter by gently wiggling it.

Check the O’Ring, if it’s damaged then you need to replace it for batter filter tank tightness. Or you can use silicon lubricant to give better strength and tightness to filter the body.

Now, Take out all the cartridges (some filters have one) from the filter.

Your Hayward filter opening job is done. Now you can clean your Hayward filter, inspect filter damage, or replace cartridges.

How to Safely Open Your Pool Pump Lid and Basket for Maintenance

Before the filter water goes to the pump. Large particles and debris are stuck in the pump basket. So, You need to clean your Hayward pool pump periodically in season to work properly. Below is a step-by-step guide on safely opening the pool pump lid and basket for maintenance & cleaning purposes.

Why open the pump basket lid?

  • To Clean Pool Pump Regularly In Season 
  • Add D.E. powder to DE filter

Step 1. Turn off the Power

Make sure the Hayward pool pump is turned off before attempting to open the lid. This step helps prevent any electrical accidents or injuries. Do not permit children to use or climb on this.

Step 2. Release Pressure

Release pressure

Some pool pump systems may build up pressure. To avoid accidents, slowly release any pressure by using the pressure relief valve to remove the excessive air.

Step 3. Open Pump Lid

open pump lid

Now you have to open the pump lid, It’s often a clear or translucent lid that allows you to see the basket inside.

Start by loosening the lid by turning it counterclockwise with both hands. In some cases, you might need a wrench for this step. Remember, do not force the lid to open.

Step 4. Remove the Lid

remove lid

Once it loses, carefully lift the lid off the pump.

Step 5. Access the Basket

clean pump

Inside the pump, you’ll find the basket after listing the pump lid. Lift the basket gently. It might be connected to the lid or remain in the pump housing.

Step 6. Clean the Basket

clean basket

Now, remove any debris, leaves, or dirt from the basket by hand. For smaller particles, use a soft brush or you can use an old toothbrush to clean the debris.

Check the basket for any damage. Rinse it thoroughly with a garden hose or clean water to remove the remaining dirt.

Step 7. Replace Parts

clean oring

Before replacing the basket check for O’Ring damage. Apply silicon lubricant to O’Ring for better strength and tightness.

Carefully place the cleaned basket back into its position in the pump. Align the lid properly and tighten it by turning it clockwise position.

replace lid

Regularly opening and cleaning your Hayward pool pump lid and basket is a simple yet important task for long-lasting pump function.


So, This is about full guide on how you can open the Hayward pool filter and pump by yourself and clean your filter and pump regularly. Share this article with your friends who have Hayward filter pumps.

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