Review: Safety Turtle 2.0 Bracelet Child Immersion Pool/Water Alarm Kit

Safety Turtle 2.0: When Turtles Take Over Pool Security | Save Your Tiny Dog's Life By Preventing A Potential Tragedy.

Picture of By <u>MIKE DEVID</u>


Updated: 11-02-2024

If you have kids and pets, and you have a pool in your backyard most probably you are planning to install a pool alarm system for pets and kids safety.

You have questions like “Should I buy Safety Turtle 2.0 or not?”

Don’t worry, We have tested the device. We bought the device from amazon and tested it several times.

Safety Turtle 2.0 kit
Safety Turtle 2.0 Kit

By the experiences and opinions of users, we’ll give you valuable insights into the effectiveness, features, and potential drawbacks of this product.

In this article we gave you an honest review and some bonus tips for this device, so you don’t have any confusion regarding Safety Turtle 2.0. Let’s Dive In…

What Is Safety Turtle 2.0?

“The Safety Turtle 2.0 Pool/ Water Alarm Kit is a reliable and easy-to-use device that is designed to ensure the safety of children and pets around pools and water.”

We know that pets have swimming skills, But they may struggle to find their way out of a pool after falling down in the water.

However, not all pool alarms are made equal, since some may fail to detect slow-moving water entry. The Safety Turtle Bracelet solves this problem by offering a reliable and effective solution.

The Kit Includes

(1) Two Turtle Collar
(2) Base Alarm Station
(3) USB Wall Adapter

By using this device, We Pet owners & parents can have peace of mind knowing that their furry friends or kids are now safe from the pool.

The alarm’s loud sound ensures that it can be heard throughout the house, providing an immediate alert in case of emergencies.

Why You Should Buy Safety Turtle 2.0?

The Safety Turtle 2.0 Child Immersion pool alarm bracelet is a good rated product in many platforms that offers several key benefits.

Many Users are satisfied with ease of use, reliability, and effectiveness in safeguarding for children and pets.

Positive Response

We have read all the reviews for this device on many Ecom platforms, including Reddit and YouTuber opinions.

1. Many people have shared personal stories on how the Turtle Bracelet Pool Alarm has protected their pets from potentially dangerous situations.

2. One customer described how their chihuahua fell into the jacuzzi but was instantly alerted by the pool turtle alarm. Another user stated that the Safety Turtle 2.0 Wristband saved their tiny dog’s life by preventing a potential tragedy.

Negative Response

1. However, there are a few possible downsides to consider. Some buyers have experienced issues with the device’s durability, with malfunctions appearing after a few months of its use.

2. A few users have noticed occasional false alarms, particularly when the gadget becomes wet from playful interactions with pets or kids.

So. these are some positive and negative response we collect from the varies Ecom platforms. Overall we find good response from the user of safety turtle.

We have to consider these factors while measuring the overall performance of the Safety Turtle 2.0 Bracelet.

We’ll go through the product’s features, benefits, and drawbacks to help you decide whether to buy the Safety Turtle 2.0 for your pool safety needs.

Pros & Cons Of Safety Turtle 2.0



Safety Turtle 2.0 Child Immersion Pool Alarm: Features

The Device has several features that contribute to its effectiveness for the safety of children and pets.

1. Turtle Collar

Safety Turtle 2.0 bracelet
Safety Turtle 2.0 Bracelet

The device consists of a “Turtle” collar or turtle safety bracelet that pets and kids can wear on hands or legs comfortably. The collar is securely attached to prevent pets & kids from removing it.

When the Turtle collar detects water immersion, the alarm system connects to a base station, which produces a loud sound for 3 minutes until we turn off the sound from the base station. 

We have to use a special key to unlock the collar bands from the pet’s neck. For both the Turtle Collar, they give us two separate keys.

2. Reliable Safety

Other alarms will not detect a dog wading slowly in the pool, But the Safety Turtle 2.0 sounds automatically when your dogs enter in the water.

3. Sensitivity To Water

Water sensitivity is one of the Safety Turtle 2.0’s standout qualities, as mentioned in multiple reviews.

This type of sensitivity means even a minor contact of water triggers on the alarm, providing an immediate alert in case of an accidental immersion.

In our testing, if we place it in the right position, water activated wristband alarm works every time accurately. Why Base alarm position matter? We added the reason below to the features section.

4. Easy To Use

Compared to other devices we tested, it is very quick and easy to install. You can see the installation videos below.

It will guide you how to use this device perfectly. This is our best easy to use water bracelet alarm we have seen in our Device Testing Phase.

How to Install/Use Safety Turtle 2.0?

You can install this alarm easily unlike other devices where you may face trouble. Other devices will cost you more money to hire someone and give them an installation cost.

These are the simple steps to install Safety Turtle 2.0 pool alarm.

  • Unbox the device.
  • Unlock bracelet with keys.
  • Lock bracelet in kid’s hand or pets neck.
  • Place the Base alarm at a high position facing the whole pool.

Now you don’t have to worry. This device will alert you when it touches the water.

Note: One important aspect of using the Safety Turtle 2.0 for dogs is ensuring proper placement of the base station. It should be positioned high on a windowsill, facing the pool, and above the pool’s edge to maximize its coverage area.

Because of this placement, the gadget can detect water immersion accurately and provide quick alarms in the event of water immersion.


What is the cheapest way to secure a pool?

The Cheapest way to secure your pool from is fences or pool alarm. fences are cheap and secure the pool from animals. Pool alarm will great for pets and child safety.

What Is Safety Turtle?

The safety turtle is turtle turtle-shaped band that ensures your kids and pets safety by letting you when water immersed in the band. It fits in the neck of the dog or the wrist of the kids like a wristband.

What is the Cost of Safety Turtle 2.0 Pool Alarm?

The price of the Safety Turtle 2.0 varies from season to season. Normally it costs about $144 but can go up to $180. Price is different for every Ecom platform.

Conclusion: Should I buy Safety Turtle 2.0?

Despite these small drawbacks, the Safety Turtle Wireless Wristband Alarm is an ideal choice among concerned pet owners and parents looking for an extra layer of safety around pool water.

It gives an effective response to potential risks of pool incidents and provides peace of mind that now you don’t have to look for your child and pets every time.

When used as directed and positioned correctly, the Safety Turtle 2.0 proves to be a valuable investment for any household with a pool and water.

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