How to Clean Hayward Pool Filter (Cartridge, Sand & D.E.)

Complete guide on how to clean a Hayward pool filter whether it's a Cartridge, Sand, or DE filter. Follow this step-by-step method to clean your Hayward pool filter by yourself.
Picture of By <u>MIKE DEVID</u>


Updated: 11-02-2024

What you need is the best pool Experience, right? For that, you need clean water to swim. So, for Optimal Hayward pump filter performance and good water quality, you need to clean the filter regularly. Here is a full guide on how to clean a Hayward pool pump filter step by step with images.

Cleaning professionals are costly. By Following these simple steps with little cost of equipment (it will be used again) you can clean your Hayward pump filter by yourself.

Hayward provides 3 types of pool filters. 

1. Cartridge Filter
Sand Filter
3. D.E Filter

So, Now according to your Hayward pool pump filter jump to its cleaning method. 

Jump to…

Hayward Cartilage Filter Cleaning

Hayward Sand FilterCleaning

Hayward D.E. Filter Cleaning

How to Clean a Hayward Cartridge Pool Filter

Cartridge filters consist of pleated polyester cartridges to filter the debris when water passes with pressure, provisioning clean & clear water. It has easy maintenance and good filtration. 

When to Clean a Hayward Cartridge Filter?


If the pressure increases by 10 psi above the normal cleaning pressure, it’s time for cleaning. Hayward advises cleaning the Hayward cartridge filter once a month.

What You’ll Need:

  1. Long hose
  2. Hose spray nozzle
  3. Working gloves
  4. Ratchet wrench
  5. Deep wall socket ratchet
  6. Silicone lubricant

Level of Difficulty: Simple
Tools Needed: Basic
Cost Estimate: Less than $20

Here is 10 step guide on how to clean a Hayward cartridge pool filter

1. Prepare for Cleaning

Turn off the pool pump to ensure safety during the cleaning process. Wear Nitrile Gloves for better safety.

2. Drain Water and Release Pressure

remove drain plug

To remove all the water from the filter use a Screwdriver to remove the drain plug located on the back at the bottom of the filter. 

Now Open the pressure relief valve to release any built-up pressure in the filter and also help in draining the water faster.

3. Remove the Belly Band and access the Filter

remove drain plug

Use 3 q. Deep wall socket ratchet to unscrew and take off the housing belly band from the Hayward pool filter.

Gently detach the top half of the filter. Make sure you don’t damage the pressure relief valve while putting down the top half.

Remove Manifold

Inspect & Remove O’Ring. Now carefully remove the top guide/manifold located above the cartridges.

4. Inspect and Remove Filter

Remove Cartridge

Take out the cartridge filter by wiggling it and inspect it for any damage or debris accumulation. If the bands in the cartridge are damaged then it’s time to replace the cartridge.

5. Clean the Basin

Use a hose to clean the inside of the filter basin, removing any remaining dirt or debris.

6. Thoroughly Clean Cartridge

Clean Cartridge

Rinse the cartridge thoroughly using the hose spray nozzle, ensuring all dirt and debris are washed away.

Clean the cartridge from up to down and side by side. The bottom part of the cartridge requires more time to clean because of more debris.

On average, it requires 15-20 Minutes to clean all the Hayward filter cartridges.

7. Apply Silicone Lubricant

Apply a small amount of industrial silicone lubricant to the O-ring for more watertight and create a proper seal.

8. Reinstall Drain Plug & Reinstall Cartridges

Reinstall Again

Securely reinstall the drain plug at the bottom of the filter unit. Carefully place the cleaned cartridge back into the filter unit.

9. Reassemble Components

Reinstall Again

Put the top guide back in place and ensure it’s correctly aligned. Some Hayward pool filters have a manifold at the bottom of the filter unit, then you need to put it before reinstalling the cartridge. Make sure you don’t crack the Manifold / Top guide.

Now clean the top screen and install it. Fit the belly band, and tap the belly band for proper fitting.

10. Leave the Pressure Relief Valve Open

Keep the pressure relief valve open until the filter is filled with water. Check if there is any water leak or not.

By following these steps, you’ll effectively clean your Hayward cartridge pool filter.

How to Clean a Hayward Sand Filter?

Sand filters consist of a thick bed of special grade sand which helps to trap dirt and debris when water passes through. It is durable, cost-effective, and needs occasional backwashing.

When to Clean a Hayward Sand Filter?

If the pressure increases by 10 psi above the normal pressure, it’s time for cleaning. Company advice to chemically clean the Hayward sand filter once a year.

Here are the steps for the Hayward sand filter cleaning

Step 1. Prepare for Cleaning

Ensure the backwash hose is connected if not already done.

Turn off the pump to begin the cleaning process.

Step 2. Adjust Multiport Valve Settings

Backwash Postion

Set the multiport valve to the “Backwash” position.

Step 3. Clean the Filter

Turn on the Hayward pump and let it run for 2-3 minutes until the backwash water becomes clear.

Turn off the pump.

Step 4. Rinse the Filter

Rinse Postion

Set the valve to the “Rinse” position.

Turn on the pump for 10-20 seconds

Turn off the pump.

Step 5. Normal Filter Setting

Set the valve to the “Filter” position.

Turn on the pump.

Step 6. Check Pressure

Ensure the pressure is at the normal level now to confirm the cleaning is successful.

How to Apply Sand Cleaner Solution?

1. Open the Pump’s Strainer Basket:

Turn off the Hayward pump.

Remove the pump’s strainer lid to access the basket.

2. Add Cleaner Solution:

Add Sand Cleaner

Add the cleaner solution to the strainer basket.

Now securely replace the pump lid.

3. Transfer Cleaner Solution:

Turn on the pump for 10-15 seconds, allowing the cleaner solution to move from the pump to the filter.

4. Now Leave It:

Turn off the pump and let it for 7-8 hours or overnight.

5. Back-wash Again

Do the This process again, following the above steps to clean the build-up of dirt and debris dislodged by the filter cleaner solution for the Hayward sand filter.

Turn on the filter system again.

Following these steps will effectively clean your Hayward sand filter to keep your pool water crystal clear and ready for enjoyment.

How to Clean a Hayward D.E. Pool Filter?

A diatomaceous Earth filter contains grids or fingers coated with a fine powder made from fossilized diatoms (diatomaceous earth) which capture even smaller particles than a cartridge or sand filter. D.E. filter requires more maintenance and cleaning of fingers.

When to clean de filter hayward?

When the pressure gauge shows 8-10 psi over normal pressure, then it’s time to clean the Hayward DE filter. Normally you should clean the DE filter once a month.

Tools and Materials:

  1. Socket wrench
  2. Large open-ended wrench
  3. Lubricant (silicon-based)
  4. Face mask
  5. DE powder (if needed)

Steps for Hayward D.E. pool filter cleaning

1. Turn off the Pump and Release Pressure

Release pressure

Ensure the pump is off and relieve pressure by opening the air relief valve located near the pressure gauge.

2. Backwash and Drain the D.E. Filter

Backwash Position

Switch the multiport valve to “Backwash” and attach the backwash hose. Run the pump for 1-2 minutes or until the water runs clear. Set again to Rinse after turning off the pump. Turn it on for 5-10 seconds. Repeat the “Backwash Process” until water from the backwash hose is not clear.

Backwash water

If the water is clear coming from the backwash hose then turn off the pump, and open the air relief valve, Now remove the drain plug to drain the tank.

3. Remove the DE Filter Manifold

Carefully unscrew the clamps holding the filter together. Refer to the manual if needed. Open the tank and take out the filter manifold and grids/fingers.

4. Clean Filter Grids or Fingers

Use a garden hose to rinse the manifold and grids thoroughly. For heavy dirt, use a DE filter cleaner following the manufacturer’s instructions. Consider soaking extremely dirty parts in a muriatic acid solution, taking proper safety precautions.

5. Reassemble the Hayward Filter

After cleaning, Clean the tank and place the manifold back inside. If O’ring is loose then use silicone lubricant for better tightness. Securely lock the clamps as per the manual.

6. Add Fresh DE Powder

de powder

Check the owner’s manual for the required amount of DE powder. Create a thin mixture by mixing the powder with water and pouring it into the pool skimmer while the pump is running. Let the pump run for at least 30 minutes for even distribution.

add to skimmer

Following these steps regularly helps maintain the efficiency of your Hayward D.E. pool filter. And take necessary safety precautions when dealing with chemicals or machinery.

Understanding Hayward Pool Filter

Hayward makes really good pool filters that work well in any weather. They’re easy to take care of and make your pool water clean. The main job of the Hayward Pool Filter is to make sure your pool stays clean by taking out any bits of dirt or debris that are floating in the water and can’t dissolve. For Better performance of this filter, you need regular Hayward pool filter cleaning.

Hayward Pool Filter Maintenance Tips

(1) Regularly monitor the pressure gauge in the Hayward filter and observe changes in water clarity as indicators for needed maintenance.

(2) Keep surrounding areas clean to prevent debris from entering the pool and block the filter.

(3) Follow a routine maintenance schedule as per the Hayward manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure efficient filter performance and extend the lifespan of the Hayward pool filter system.


So, This is our full guide on how you can clean your Hayward Cartridge, Sand & D.E. Filter by yourself. Now you don’t need a professional to clear your pool filter.

By following the above steps, you can effectively remove debris and maintain proper filtration for the Hayward pump filter, ensuring clean and clear pool water. Regular cleaning not only enhances the lifespan of your filter but also contributes to a more enjoyable and refreshing swimming experience.

The Hayward company also suggests cleaning the pump filter regularly. Regular Hayward pool filter cleaning will contribute overall better health of your Hayward pump filter.


How to clean a pool filter with muriatic acid?

If your cartridge or D.E. grid is too dirty then you need to clean it with muriatic acid.

Safety precautions first. Wear acid-resistant gloves and goggles. Then put your filter grid to 1 part of muriatic acid and 20 part of water solution for 10 minutes. Remove the filter grid when the bubble stops from the solution. Don’t put the filter grid for more than 20 minutes in muriatic acid.

How often should I clean my pool filter?

Most pool filter manufacturers recommend cleaning your Cartridge filter once a month, Sand filter once a year & DE filter once a month. You should clean your filter if the filter pressure increases to 8-10 psi than normal starting cleaning pressure when you install the pool.

How long does a Hayward DE pool filter last?

Normally Hayward DE pool filter lasts for 4-5 years. You can replace the de-filter grids if it’s damaged, Don’t need to replace the whole filter. Normally filter grids / Fingers damage first. Clean your DE filter once a month for a long lifespan.

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