Right Way To Backwash Hayward Pool Filter! (Sand & DE)

Backwash is a necessary part of pool filter cleaning & maintenance. And more important is to do it in the right way.
So, Let’s understand how to backwash a Hayward pool filter.
When to Backwash a Hayward Pool Filter?
If your pool water is murky or cloudy even after a filter is running means your Hayward pool filter needs backwashing.
You need to backwash your Hayward pool filter when the pressure reading from the pressure gauge is 8-10 psi higher than normal running pressure.
- Murky or Cloudy Water
- Filter Pressure increased by 8-10 PSI
- Heavy Rain In Your Area
So, when you notice one of the above conditions, you need to backwash your Hayward sand or de pool filter for clear water in your pool.
Now, Jump to your Hayward pool filter type to backwash.
Jump to…
Hayward Sand Filter (Multiport) ↓
Hayward DE Filter (Multiport) ↓
Hayward DE Filter (Bump Handle) ↓
What Is Pool Filter Backwashing?
Backwashing is nothing but reversing the flow of water or sending water backward through filter waste or backwash port to clear all the dust and debris stuck in the pool filter.
When water runs through a pool filter, the dust, and debris in the water are left behind in the filter media (In this case Sand and DE Power) and clear water goes to the pool again.
After a long time, more and more debris filtered and clogged in the filter media which decreases the effectiveness of filter media. Because of this, you notice increased filter pressure and cloudy water. Now, it’s time to backwash the Hayward pool filter.
How to Backwash Hayward Pool Filter
Follow this step-by-step method to backwash your Hayward pool filter.
How To Backwash a Hayward Sand Filter?
Sand filters consist of a dense layer of specially graded sand designed to effectively capture dirt and debris as water flows through. these filters require occasional backwashing to maintain optimal performance.
Here is the step-by-step guide on Hayward sand filter backwash. Most of the Hayward sand filter comes with multiport valve to control the water direction. To remove backwash water from the sand filter you need a backwash hose.
5 Steps to Backwash Hayward Sand Pool Filter.
1. Getting Ready
– Make sure the backwash hose is connected if it’s not already.
– To start the backwashing process, turn off the pump.
2. Set Valve to Backwash Setting
– Switch the multiport valve to the “Backwash” position.
3. Backwashing the Hayward Filter
– Turn on the pool pump and let it run for 2-3 minutes until the backwash water or side glass is clear.
– Turn off the pump.
4. Rinse the Filter
– Set the multiport valve to the “Rinse” position.
– Run the pump for 10-20 seconds.
– Turn off the pump.
5. Returning to Normal Filter Setting
– Set the valve to the “Filter” position And Turn on the pump.
Check the pressure of the Hayward sand filter, if it comes to a normal level means you backwashed the pool filter successfully.
NOTE: Never change the pool filter positions while the pool pump is on, it will damage the spider gasket inside the multiport valve.
After running for many years sand in the Hayward sand filter needs to be changed. It can’t filter the water because the surface of the sand is worn down. So you need to change the sand in your Hayward pool filter.
How To Backwash a Hayward DE Filter
Hayward DE filter comes with a Multiport valve and Push/Pull valve. Before Jump to de filter backwashing, a quick understanding of Hayward de filter.
A Diatomaceous Earth (D.E.) filter has grids or fingers coated with fine powder crafted from fossilized diatoms (diatomaceous earth). These filters capture even smaller particles compared to cartridge or sand filters.
- Backwash Hose
- D.E. Power
The amount of de powder required in multiport valve de filter is:
- For Hayward DE2400 Filters use 2 Pounds of DE Powder
- For Hayward DE3600 Filters use 2.5 Pounds of DE Powder
- For Hayward DE4800 Filters use 3 Pounds of DE Powder
- For Hayward DE6000 Filters use 4 Pounds of DE Powder
Follow these steps to backwash a Hayward DE filter (Multiport)
1. Prepare Before Backwashing
– Connect the backwash hose to the backwash outlet.
– Now Turn off the pump
2. Set “Backwash” Position
– Change the multiport valve to “Backwash” Position. If you have Push/Pool then open “Backwash” get. Turn it and pull up.
– Turn on the filter pump
3. Run It For 1-2 Minutes
– Now turn on the filter pump and run it for 1-2 minutes. Water will come out from the backwash hose.– After 1-2 minutes turn off the pump
4. Set Valve to “Rinse” Position
– Now, Change the Hayward sand filter valve from “Backwash to Rinse”. If you have Push/Pool then push down the handle back to lock.
– Turn on the pump and run it for 1 minute in the Rinse setting.
5. Back to “Filter” Position
– Turn off the pump and set the multiport valve to “Filter” Position
6. Add D.E. Powder to the Filter
– See the Filter owner’s manual to decide how much de power will need. Make a thin mixture of water and de power.
– Now, prime the pump by adding water. After filling the pump with water start the pump and add D.E. Powder to the skimmer slowly.
– Run the pump for 30 minutes to evenly distribute DE powder in the Hayward pool filter.
– Clean or Replace the DE filter grid if backwashing doesn’t solve the issue.
NOTE: Never change the pool filter positions while the pool pump is on, it will damage the spider gasket inside the multiport valve.
How To Backwash Hayward DE Filter With Bump Handle
If you have a Hayward Bump Handle de filter then follow this guide to backwash in the right way. When you backwash a de filter, some DE powder washes out. To recover this you need to add extra D.E. or Diatomaceous Earth Powder to the skimmer.
How Much D.E. Powder Will You Need for Bump Handle Filter?
The amount of DE Power depends on the filter type and pool size. Here is the estimation of how many scoops of de powder you need while backwashing de filter.
- For Hayward EC-40 DE FIlter Use 2.5 Pounds of DE Powder.
- For Hayward EC-50 DE FIlter Use 3 Pounds of DE Powder.
- For Hayward EC-65 DE FIlter Use 3.5 Pounds of DE Powder.
- For Hayward EC-75 DE FIlter Use 5 Pounds of DE Powder.
Follow These steps to backwash Hayward de filter with a bump handle.
- Turn off the pump
- Open the backwash valve
- Bump the handle slowly up to down 15 times
- Turn the pump on and run it for two minutes
- Turn off the pump
- Bump the handle slowly up to down 15 times
- Turn on the pump for one minute
- Now turn off the pump
- Close the backwash valve tightly
- Turn on the pump
- Add D.E. to the skimmer slowly. Make sure you don’t clog the de in the skimmer.
NOTE: Never change the pool filter Settings while the pool pump is on, it will damage the spider gasket inside the valve.
How To Backwash a Hayward Cartridge Pool Filter
Cartridge pool filters need manual cleaning since they can’t be backwashed. Unlike some filters that can be cleared by reversing the water flow, cartridge filters can’t do that. When they get dirty, you have to clean them by hand.
Useful Tips
Tip 1: In many areas, it’s illegal to dispose of backwash water in any area because it contains pool chemicals. This water will affect the plants and groundwater. Backwash water from the pool contains chemicals so make sure you drain backwash water to the storm drain or Plumbing Cleanouts.
Tip 2: Don’t change the filter settings or positions until the pool pump is off. Because it will damage your filter system.
Tip 3: If you still find your pool water dirty even after backwashing. Then you need to change the filter media(sand or de finger grid) because after running a long filter media loses its ability to clean the water.
This is all about how to backwash your Hayward pool filter whether it’s a sand filter, a DE filter with a multiport valve, or a DE filter with a bump handle valve.
By following this step-by-step method you can backwash your Hayward pool filter successfully.
If you have any suggestions or feedback please comment down, Happy Swimming!