Pool Filter Leaking at Band Clamp Lid (Hayward, Bestway, Intex)

Complete Guide On Hayward Pool Filter Leaking At Band Clamp Or Intex, Bestway Pool Filter Leaking From Lid. 5 Solutions For Filter Leaking Issue From Lid.
Picture of By <u>MIKE DEVID</u>


Updated: 25-05-2024

If you are facing a pool filter leaking at band clamp or lid, Don’t Worry…

This article is about pool filter leaking at band clams and its solution. Whether is Hayward, Intex, Bestway, Pentair pool filter…

The Pool Filter Can Leak From…

Leak From The Top
Leak From Middle
Leak From Bottom

Follow the instructions given below, you will stop the leaking problem of your Hayward pool filter from Middle.

Why Is My Pool Filter Leaking At Band Clamp?

pool filter leaking from lid and band clamp

Before understanding the solution you need to understand the cause of the leaking from the middle band clamp. There are some reasons for Hayward, Bestway or Intex filter Housing leaking.

Remember, Don’t jump to the conclusion that you need to replace the o-ring if your Hayward pool filter is leaking from the middle band clamp. There are many reasons originated the leaking problem. Examples are…

  • Band Clamp is not correctly placed
  • Bands not tight enough for water seal
  • The mating surface of lids is not clean
  • O-ring is damaged
  • Lubrication issue

How to repair leaking from the pool filter lid?

Here are the 5 solutions to solve your Bestway Pool Filter Leaking from the lid. Check all the solutions one by one. After applying those I’m sure you will not face the same problem again. So Let’s Dive In…

(1) Clean The Lid’s Joining Surface:

clean top lid

This is the common reason, sand or debris is stuck on the mating surface of the lids. And causing the water to leak from the band clamp. How to solve this issue? Well, follow the steps…

clean bottom lid

  • Open the Filter rank by removing the screw.
  • Note: Mark the joining lid’s position by scratching it before opening the top half of the filter. So, When you close the lids position of the both lids remains the same.
  • After unscrewing clean the dirt and sand from the pool filter lids using a paper towel.
  •  Clean the upper and lower portions carefully. 3 to 5 minutes of proper cleaning of bands is necessary to solve the leaking issue.

(2) Clean O-ring:

Now Carefully clean the O-ring with water and replace it.

check O-ring

After some time O-ring loses flexibility. Replacement time for o-ring depends on filter to filter. If your o-ring is damaged or loses its elasticity then you need to replace it

(3) Lubrication Myth:

Many technicians suggest applying lube to the o-ring. But it worsens the condition.

NO LUBE. Lube is great for about a month then it turns to glue and makes the lid harder to get off. In the future, The O-ring will break. Most O-rings are self-lubricating and don’t need lubrication. So I recommend you do not apply any lube. Still, if you want then apply only industrial silicone base lubricant.

Most pump manufacturers like Hayward, Pentair, BestBuy, and Intex advise us to not lube the o-ring in the installation manual.

(4) Place The Lids In the Correct Position:

make mark
Mark the lids to get a parallel position after clean

After cleaning Hayward pool filter lids, replace the filter tank. While doing that make sure you place both lids on the same potion as earlier. As I suggest above mark the lids with a marker or scratch it. So it’s aline while closing.

Now Aline both lids properly and replace the band clamp around it.

(5) Tight The Band Clamps:

The most common reason for the Hayward or Bestway pool filter leaking from the lid is that you didn’t tighten the band properly after cleaning it.

tight band clamp for leaking at band clamp

Use a Rubber Mallet or any wooden handle (Don’t use a hammer). And give a little tap-tap for more tightness surrounding the band clamp while closing them.

Tight the screw as much as you can.

Now turn off the pump and check and inspect whether the water is dripping or not. 


So, These are some fixes you can try for the Hayward pool filter leaking at band clamp by yourself. 

After applying the solution, If it has minor drip or leaking from the lids. It’s time to replace the filter now. After some age of filter leaking problem is not 100% curable.

Still our solutions not working and the pool filter leaking at band clamp or lid  please comment below. I will try to understand your pool filter situation and will advise you on the solution.

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